Monday, December 12, 2011

Advent- Day 11

Day 11: Celebrate Christmas locally

I like this Advent option because it's open-ended and can change year to year. Today we chose to make our Advent focus at church. Kaden has his Christmas program at church, and then we got to experience the live nativity at church after the program was done. It was so cute to see Kaden and all of the 3-5 year olds perform in their program. We'd been practicing his songs for a month now, and he knew them so well. He did GREAT- sang when he was supposed to and sat on the stage so nicely. I was so proud of him! It was hard to believe that I have a child old enough to be in a Christmas program.... wow, time sure does fly.

"This Little Light of Mine"

"Away in a Manger"

"Silent Night" Don't mind the heads of the people in front of us in the picture.

Kaden also loved seeing all of the animals outside and the live nativity. He really understands more of the Christmas story this year, and I could tell he was processing everything when he saw Mary, Joseph, the donkey and Baby Jesus in the manger. I'm pretty sure he thought that the middle school actors were REALLY Mary and Joseph. We're working on helping him understand that Jesus was born a really long time ago, but we can celebrate by acting it out each year.

Yummy donuts and hot chocolate- one of the best parts of the live nativity!!

Acting out the nativity (I must admit... found this picture from 2 years ago when there was snow on the ground. However, it looked the same this year, just without the snow! :)

Today's book choice was: Merry Christmas Mom and Dad by Mercer Mayer

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