Saturday, December 17, 2011

Advent- Day 13

Day 13: Watch a Christmas Movie

I love that so many kids Christmas movies have been on TV lately. It seems like every night there is something for Kaden to watch, and a lot of the holiday specials are even just 30 minutes, which is perfect for him. We've done a lot of watching Christmas movies lately- Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story for us, and Shrek Christmas, Ice Age Christmas, Bob the Builder Christmas, Caillou Christmas, and others for Kaden. Makes for fun nights as we cuddle up as a family with homemade popcorn and a sleeping bag in Kaden's case. Almost every time we watch a movie together as a family, Kaden says, "I love family movie night." I love that he cherishes the time we spend together as a family and I hope it will always be "cool" for him to watch movies with his sisters and mom and dad.

Today's book choice was My Christmas Stocking by Crystal Bouwman (no longer in publication)

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