Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Advent- Day 6

Day 6: Celebrate Sinterklaas

Another disclaimer here. We're not celebrating Sinterklaas as a person, as in celebrating Santa. Those of you who know me well know that Santa is NOT a belief we have in this family, and Kaden already knows that Santa is fake. He knows that Christmas is all about Jesus and that Santa just distracts us from the true meaning of Christmas. The reason why Sinterklaas is part of our Advent celebration is more of a celebration of our heritage. Remembering what Dutch traditions we have, celebrating our Dutch heritage, learning about Christmas traditions around the world, and celebrating the giving of gifts to other people. So, in Dutch tradition, each child has their own pair of Klompen, which Kaden placed by the door in line with the old tradition. We told him that in the morning there might be a surprise in his wooden shoes.

Indeed there was. He asked if we put it in there, and we told him, yes. It's fun celebrating our Dutch heritage in such a simple but fun way. Each year our children will get something chocolate and a special treat. This year Kaden was going to get the traditional Dutch letter "K" but instead I found some adorable chocolate tools which I couldn't pass up. He also got a Max and Ruby Christmas video as a special treat this Christmas season. He was happy!

Book choice today: A Star for Jesus by Crystal Bowman

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