Friday, April 11, 2014

Lent- Day 38

112. "They're supposed to be sleeping."  I'm pretty sure they were in their beds last I checked.  Yet, somehow it's way more fun to pretend to sleep right by the door.  Honestly, I think they just wanted to be next to each other.

113.  "Smiles."  These smiles are a blessing that I could list

114. "Boxes."  It's amazing how we spend our time wishing and hoping for more stuff to entertain our kids.  More games to load on the iPad.  More cheap plastic toys that will break within a few hours.  Birthday lists and Christmas lists of unnecessary junk.  Really, all they want is a large box.  This huge box has provided more fun than any of the toys in our house have this year.  It reminds me that kids don't need things to entertain them.  They want simple things that stir their imagination.  A box to take them to a new destination.  A box to play peek-a-boo in.  A box to sit in and pretend it's a boat.  Today's blessing reminds me to treasure these simple joys.  To be different than the norm of the world, filling our lives with unnecessary stuff for our kids that will find itself in a landfill someday.

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