Monday, April 14, 2014

Lent- Day 41

121. "No Daddy work, Daddy home me."  There's nothing sweeter than hearing a little voice say that to her daddy after crawling in bed with us early this morning.  These girls have a heart for their daddy.

122. Speaking of Daddy, I'm especially blessed by him today.  We knew that this morning was going to be rough for Kaden.  It's been rough getting him to go to school for awhile, and  after a break from school for 10 days, I knew the transition back today wasn't going to be pretty.  I am thankful that Andy was able to go into work a little late today so he could be another set of reason to help with the rough, rough morning.  I'm thankful that I'm not in this parenting thing alone.

123.  I'm not really sure what to call this picture.  Makenna is in her pi's, taking her doll for a walk, wearing her coat and my Uggs.  She's a piece of work.  And a huge blessing.

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